Sunday, March 30, 2014

Music Time: Bonecage Fish Food

Bonecage’s new Album Fish Food , releases on April 1st, and I got to get my ears in on an early access treat. He writes songs that fall into the Nerd Rock/Comedy category. If you are unfamiliar with these genres in more recent times, go look up something by Weird Al. It’s the same type of music. Since a music album is a bit different from a game review, we’ll be doing this a bit differently today. Rather than pros and cons we’ll be doing an album overview, a most and least favorite song, and then of course my own personal thoughts on the whole thing in the form of my conclusion.
Album Overview: If I could sum up this album in one word, I’d say complete. There is everything from Predator to Fake Vaginas in this album, with a touch of tacos and insanity. It’s wonderfully silly, and captures all the essence of being a nerd. You go from one song to making references about an 80’s action movie, to another song about belly buttons being nature’s best pockets. This variety is fun, comes across very uniquely, and adds an interesting flair to a genre that’s fairly saturated with mostly pop culture references. The music styles vary as well. It is mostly different styles of Rock, but there is a hint of country and hip hop in a few songs, and no two really ever feel the same.  On top of that Jeff (the man behind Bonecage) is a great singer/songwriter/musician. Who has a variety of singing styles to further add to the complete off the wall experience you are going to get when listening to this album. In total you’ll be getting a total of 14 wonderful songs:
  1. Grandma’s House
  2. Bear Attack!
  3. Olive Garden Butthole
  4. Oh What a Day
  5. Keep Going (STOP!)
  6. Nathan the Predator
  7.  Belly Button (Nature’s Pocket)
  8. No Mas Mermaids
  9. Charlie Loves You
  10. Makeshift Vagina
  11. Benny’s Song (Five Kids to Feed)
  12. Love Song (Huge Erection)
  13. Soup Beans and Cornbread
  14. I Can’t Be Your Friend Anymore
Favorite Song - Oh What a Day
What can I say about this song? It reminds me a lot of Weird Al’s Albuquerque (which is my favorite Weird Al song). It isn’t as long, but it is just a random which adds to its charm. Plus the music style for it feels very epic in nature, which is a stark contrast to the song. Without giving to much away, it’s about the adventures of a drug addict, and all the crazy stuff he does in one day.  It made me laugh harder than any other song on the album, and I think that unless you like the more coherent songs, you’ll love it too.
Least Favorite Song – Charlie Loves You
In my mind this is the least out of place on the album. While not terrible, it doesn’t have the best beat or lyrics. The song itself is about a guy who is way to clingy, calling a girl over and over again without getting a response. What’s there fits the song, but in comparison to the other songs on the album this one just doesn’t seem to fit in well with the others. It’s to slow, not all that funny, and really just comes across as more sad than anything. I suppose that could be the point, but when I can just switch songs and go back to laughing again, I’m not sure why I’d keep listening to this one.
I don’t think I’ve laughed this hard at music in forever. There’s something that Fish Food as a whole strikes in my insides. I don’t know if it’s my repressed silliness that has gotten locked away a bit as I’ve grown older, or just my funny bone finding its way back out. No matter the case, I laughed and laughed while I listened to this album. Even after the 3rd or 4th consecutive listen I was still laughing. For that simple fact Alone I’d recommend this to anyone who calls themselves a nerd and likes rock music. The only real overall concern I have for the album is it isn’t kid friendly. It obviously isn’t supposed to be, and shouldn’t be made kid friendly, but if you do have kids you shouldn’t let them anywhere near it until there a bit older. Otherwise I’d say you should give this album a shot.
It releases on April 1st (that’s this Tuesday) on Itunes, Amazon, Spotify, and a few other major music distributors. You can also go to Bandcamp to buy his album, and if you really like it I’d encourage you to support him on Patreon. Finally, as one last treat, enjoy his music video for Benny’s Song below to get a taste of what Bonecage: Fish Food has to offer.

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