Welcome to the weekly "It came from the internet Post". In this series, I'm simply going to talk about and/or show you things that I thought were interesting which I have found on the internet. Some are funny, others serious, and other just plain weird. You never know what to expect on this series.
1. What if Godzilla Was Real?
I love alternate history, and imagining what if scenarios for things. Well, I managed to find the perfect youtube channel for that. Alternate History Hub does a lot of what if historical scearios, but sometimes they do fun ones like this too. This video takes a serious approach to the problem the world would face if Godzilla was in fact real. It's fun and serious all at the same time.
2. Solar Powered Car Charger

I am a big fan of the electric car. It is one answer to the rising price of oil around the world, and makes a lot of sense if you live in a more built up area. It especially makes sense in Europe where their whole countries are the size of our states. With a lot less distance to travel, electric cars are much easier to obtain and more practical than they are in much of America. They still face the same problems though of what to do when you run low on juice. Well, Germany has started building these Solar Charging points around the country. It's just a big solar panel, some batteries, and plugs for your car. You drive up, plug up, and charge up. The report I read said these were free, but I find it hard to believe that you don't pay anything for this service because solar panels are neither cheap nor easy to maintain. Either way, it is an environmentally friendly solution to help boost the range of your electric vehicle while you are doing other things in a shopping center.
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