I'm also up to 60 twitter followers, which I'm pretty happy about. Again, thats not a ton compared to big time celebrities and sites, but you have to start somewhere right? So here's a shout out to all my twitter followers! You guys are awesome too!
Now, on to other matters. I'm sure you all have noticed I've posted quite a few video game related things the last few weeks, and have gotten a little off my posting schedule. Those are both tied to the same thing, being a new dad. The kid part isn't whats thrown me off, it's all the visitors we've had. My mother in law was here for a week (she's actually really cool and has prompted a future post idea), and other people have been stopping by randomly for the last two weeks. All that company has made posting hard because I have to be a good host. However, now that I'm back at work full time and the baby isn't so new, all of that is changing back to normal. So, you are going to see some more varied content again which kicked off with my Guardians of the Galaxy post the other day.
In other posting news I'm adding a permanent Tuesday Post, my Steam Sales Guide. While there are a lot of those on the internet, as a game reviewer I have a fair bit of experience with a lot of games, and so if you trust the reviews I write over at Left Stick Down then you'll trust my guides. Also, below are my future posts list that may or may not be published. I'm just going to put the whole list there. This is literally every post I'm currently working on right now.
- The (speculative) Future of the Internet
- How to effectively review games.
- Religion in Video Games
- Video Game Monotization Methods
- The Importance of Single Player Campaign
- Games Appropriate for Children
- The Price Point of a Digital World
- Good Advertising Online
- The (speculative) Future of Video Games
- Why the Marvel Movies Work
- My 10 Favorite Games of all Time
- Internet Piracy 101
- Top 10 Cars of All Time
- The Truth about the US National Debt
- The "used" Economy
This is not the order that they will come out in, nor will they all be posted. I see a couple on the list that will probably be scrapped, but I will really really try to not add to the list till I post a few of these.
In personal news, I should find out this week if I got accepted into my Masters program. I applied to a marriage and family therapy tract, and had my interview last week, so wish me luck! I don't think I have anything to worry about, but I'm realistic and know I might not get accepted.
Please Please Please Please leave me feedback! I never can hear enough from the folks that read my blog. I do occasionally get a comment on Facebook or Twitter, but please give me more. I'm always trying to improve my blog. Tell me what you like and don't like. I'm a big boy, I can take it.
Thanks for Reading! See you next time.
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